Monday, March 30, 2009

The newest addition to our family "cowgirl"

Well Chris and I have a soft heart when it comes to Owen and he has been wanting a puppy for a very long time. Chris and & I decided that Owen had proven to us that he was responsible enough to take care of a puppy by the way that he takes care of our older beagle. Just so happened one day after Owen's rodeo they were giving away free puppys at walmart and my heart melted when i saw her.
Owen was asleep when we got her so when we got to where we were going we set her in his lap and that is what he woke up to. He was really excited, took him a little while to wake up and realize what was going on.

She is so fun and of course owen picked her name. Cowgirl


King's Krew said...

Love all the new cute pictures ! See ya'll next weekend !
