Thursday, November 29, 2007

Dear Santa....

We sat down this morning with Owen to right his letter to Santa. It was so much fun. This Christmas I think is going to be a very special one. This is the first year that Owen has truly understood the meaning of Santa and what it is all about. He was telling us all kinds of things. That he is going to check his list and that Santa has Elf's and he lives in the North Pole. We also have to bake cookies to set out for Santa along with Milk. I was almost in tears sitting at the table taking all this in and for the first year actually making a list that Owen came up with by himself. It was a real dose of reality and a reminder at how fast he has grown.

Here is the list. Pretty long , but thank goodness most of it is checked off.

Thank you Aunt Laci for the very neat ornament to put my Santa Letter in.


Nena said...

I sure hope Santa brings
you EVERYTHING on your
list.... :>)

Love you
Nena :>)

Princess Ellie said...

I love that you wrote your letter to Santa ... I bet he brings you lots of good stuff !

love you
aunt laci