Thursday, November 29, 2007

Dear Santa....

We sat down this morning with Owen to right his letter to Santa. It was so much fun. This Christmas I think is going to be a very special one. This is the first year that Owen has truly understood the meaning of Santa and what it is all about. He was telling us all kinds of things. That he is going to check his list and that Santa has Elf's and he lives in the North Pole. We also have to bake cookies to set out for Santa along with Milk. I was almost in tears sitting at the table taking all this in and for the first year actually making a list that Owen came up with by himself. It was a real dose of reality and a reminder at how fast he has grown.

Here is the list. Pretty long , but thank goodness most of it is checked off.

Thank you Aunt Laci for the very neat ornament to put my Santa Letter in.

Putting Nena and Papa's tree up

Every year we go over to Nena & Papa's and help them put all their Christmas stuff up even before Owen was born, but now it is even more fun with him here to help as well.

Owen thought it was so funny that the tinsle kept sticking to his pajamas. Thank you Aunt Laci for the very cute P.J.'s, I love them.

Helping Papa put the tinsle on the tree, (making more more of a mess than anything.)

Putting up the Christmas Tree

Owen really got into putting the Christmas tree up this year. He is finally at the stage were he really helps out . He was able to sort all the pranches into pile by their colors all by himself, Chris and I were very impressed.

Showing us his muscles after all the hard work!!

I put these next 2 picturs up because this is something that Owen does just like his daddy and Uncle Shawn and it cracks me up. When he is really concentrating on doing something he either sticks his tounge out like his Uncle Shawn or he holds his mouth open like his Daddy.

Helping with the lights.

The finished product. Sorry Our bedroom door is open and it doesn't look the best.

Mommy's Family Thanksgiving

Uncle Todd wake up, I want to play!!!

Everyone hangin out.

This was so funny Owen was pulling Ellie around the house in this box and she did not want him to stop. we would get her out and she would just climb right back in.

The new house shoes Nena bought her.

Thanksgiving with the Watson's

This is Thanksgiving with Chris's side of the family.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ellie's 1st Birthday Party

This was after we got home from the party and Owen got out his goody bag and decided to put the stickers all over his face.

Tate and Owen playing

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Owen and Nena cooking

Owen loves to help cook.

Well Daddy finally decided to start working hard a hobby that he really loves and has always wanted to do. God definilty opened a door for Chris to be able to rope with his best friend and i must say that they make a really good team together. We are in the process of buying a horse and Chris has been practicing countless hours. It is so good to see him be able to take a break and do something he really loves. This was the first time that Chris ever roped and to everyone's surprise he was awesome at it. He got the horn's the first 3 times.

This is Tannon, Coy's boy. Coy is Chris's best friend. Owen and him play really good together.

Owen loves horses.

Mommy and Owen watched Pretty for a couple of hours while Uncle Todd and Aunt Laci got some much needed alone time together. Just thought these were cute. Owen was teaching Ellie how to hide.

Daddy's 1st Halloween with Owen!!!!

This was a very special Halloween, this was the first year that Chris got to go trick or treating with Owen and even be there to see him all dressed up for that matter. He has always been out of state at work for every Halloween, but this one he just so happened to be working kind of close to home . We decided that San Antonio was closer to where Chris had to be so in order for him to get to stay we went to Uncle Todd, Aunt Laci, & Ellie's house. We had soo much fun. Chris had to leave as soon as we were done and head to work, but it truly was a good time. Thank you Uncle Todd and Aunt Laci for letting us come and hang out.

I love how he is standing in this picture.

Ohhhhh Daddy, that was a costume like no other.

Daddy painting the rodeo clowns face.

HEHEHEHE, Grandme even decided to get in on the fun!!!!

These were just some random pictures. Nothing special we weren't really trying to do anything, Mommy just thinks that he looks so cute in his overhauls. :)