Sunday, October 7, 2007

"The Splinter"

Saturday Owen was playing at Nena & Paw Paw's house with Paw Paw on the deck. Of course he didn't have his shoes on, ( I know, I know, I am a horrible mother) and he got a big splinter in his foot. He cried for I don't know how long and would not let us anywhere near it. We tried EVERYTHING. Finally I called the nurse and she said to soak the heck out of it and get him into the doctor first thing Monday. Well it just so happened that his pediatrician was on call at the clinic on Saturday. They tried all they could to get it out but no luck. The doctor told me that we had to come back in first thing Monday morning and that they were going to send him up to surgery to have it removed. I was definitely not looking forward to that at all. Owen has already had 2 surgery's on his eye since he was a year old and they did not go well. I prayed and prayed that God would remove that splinter without having to have surgery. Needless to say I put him in the bath Saturday night for about an hour and when he got out he let me try and I was able to pull it out. Thank You Lord. There is still a Little bitty piece in there and I am not for sure what the doctor is going to say about it, but I am hoping that it will be ok to just leave there and let it work itself out. We will find out tomorrow morning. I will be sure to let everyone know.

I was so proud of Owen at the Dr.'s Office, because he layed there and let them poke him with that needle and he took it like a champ.
These are the tattoo's Dr. Olufs gave Owen for being such a big boy. ( Thomas the Train of course.)