Monday, February 23, 2009

Owen's first playday

Owens first play day. for those of you who dont know what that is it is a rodeo put on by a cowboy church for kids 18 and under. it is a lot of good fun for the kids. Tannon owens best friend has been doing them and Owen has really been wanting to do it with him. Go figure that on his first on Chris had to go to work and I got the stomach flu a few days after i just got over the stinkin flu. ugggg. so i missed it but Brandi and Coy Tannons parents took Owen and took lots of pictures for us.

Owen got 3rd place in dummy roping against a lot of kids we were so proud of him. thats a big rope to swing for such a little boy. They dont keep time on any of the other events. The kids 6 and under after they do 3 play days they get a belt buckel.

I came that night to pick him up.

Best Friends

We had our best friends kids all night Friday night until Saturday afternoon. Tannon and Owen are best friends and are always together andLayken their daughter could be like our 2nd child. We love having them.

The boys have fun

Fun at Chuck-E-Cheese


Waiting for Daddy to get home from Houston
to give him his Valentines Day presents.
"Close your eyes Daddy"

Owen with mommy's flowers

Family Fun

This is our new family fun together. We have really gotten into trail riding. We love it. Owen especially.